Sunday, August 31, 2008

11 am EST Update

The 11 am update has come out reporting Gustav with at 962 mb and winds of 120 mph. Where they found the 120 mph is puzzling me. However, I am sure they are doing this so that people along the coast don't think that the risk is reducing. The NHC is still forecasting a major hurricane at landfall. I think we currently have a 105 mph Category 2 Hurricane Gustav rather than the Category 3 the NHC is currently reporting. But, like I said in the last post, the storm is starting to look a bit better in satellite images, and the radar image showed a restructuring southern eyewall. Another 2-4 hours should tell us a lot!

As for the track, the storm still looks to the east or right on the NHC track. The NHC talked about a shift in the models back to the west a bit, which makes sense with a weaker system. However, the models have been to the left all long with this system and the ridge doesn't yet seem to be moving the system. Right now, I think New Orleans (or just to its west/south) gets the worst of this storm, whatever strength it will be at landfall.

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